Mind, body, spirit Signs you’re stressed out

03 Apr

Stress is the feeling that’s created when you’re faced with change. It can be both positive and negative; however, for most people, stress is definitely negative.

Why? Quite simply, because there’s too much of it and we react to it in a negative way. Yes, it can be positive, but we tend not to think of it as stress. It is a challenge that we must arise to meet. Requiring our best performance, it produces a genuinely positive response.

The most common connotation is that stress is negative, and our response to it can vary and can affect our physical, emotional and psychological well-being. Prolonged periods of stress can be debilitating and you should take steps to ensure that you’re dealing with stress in a proactive way.

Be on the lookout for these signs of stress.

Weakened immune system

If you’ve got a cold you can’t shake, it could be a sign that your body’s immune system is working at its full potential. 

Memory loss

Studies have shown that chronic stress can expose the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain that controls short-term memory.

Grinding your teeth

If you wake up with pain in your jaw or teeth, it could be a sign that you’re grinding your teeth in your sleep. This can cause the enamel to erode and can crack your fillings. A mouth guard can prevent damage while you’re addressing the stress that’s causing you to grind your teeth; a visit to your dentist to discuss options would be good.

Upset stomach

Stress can cause gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn, indigestion, abdominal upset, cramps and diarrhea.

Back pain

When you’re experiencing stress, you may hold your body in different positions while sleeping or tighten your muscles subconsciously, leading to ache and fatigued muscles.


Stress and anxiety can cause you to not get a restful night’s sleep. It can make it hard to relax. This can cause restlessness and even insomnia.


In some instances, stress triggers nausea and vomiting.


Head pain can range from low-grade headaches to debilitating migraines.

Strange thoughts

When you are stressed out, it can be very difficult to concentrate. You may find your thoughts wandering, and your thoughts may not always seem rational.

Acne breakouts

One very unattractive symptom of stress is pimples and acne breakouts caused by the release of androgen in your blood, which clogs pores.

Sensitive gums

Another sign of a weakened immune system, your body may not be able to fight the bacteria that settle around your gum line, which causes inflammation, bleeding and sensitivity. 

Itchy skin

Stress can lead to skin rashes and may worsen skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis. 

Twitchy eyes

You may notice that your eyelids start twitching uncontrollably on their own when you are stressed out. 

Hair loss

You may find that you’re losing a higher than normal amount of hair when washing or brushing your hair. Stress causes your hair follicle to go into the resting phase; prolonged inactivity causes the hair to fall out.

There are more symptoms that can be indicators of stress, but these are very common. If you notice that you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms, a visit to your doctor is in order. They can help you with strategies to deal with stress so that it does not become a debilitating aspect of your life.

Mind, body, spirit

Signs you’re stressed out

Stress is the feeling that’s created when you’re faced with change. It can be both positive and negative; however, for most people, stress is definitely negative.

Why? Quite simply, because there’s too much of it and we react to it in a negative way. Yes, it can be positive, but we tend not to think of it as stress. It is a challenge that we must arise to meet. Requiring our best performance, it produces a genuinely positive response.

The most common connotation is that stress is negative, and our response to it can vary and can affect our physical, emotional and psychological well-being. Prolonged periods of stress can be debilitating and you should take steps to ensure that you’re dealing with stress in a proactive way.

Be on the lookout for these signs of stress.

Weakened immune system

If you’ve got a cold you can’t shake, it could be a sign that your body’s immune system is working at its full potential. 

Memory loss

Studies have shown that chronic stress can expose the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain that controls short-term memory.

Grinding your teeth

If you wake up with pain in your jaw or teeth, it could be a sign that you’re grinding your teeth in your sleep. This can cause the enamel to erode and can crack your fillings. A mouth guard can prevent damage while you’re addressing the stress that’s causing you to grind your teeth; a visit to your dentist to discuss options would be good.

Upset stomach

Stress can cause gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn, indigestion, abdominal upset, cramps and diarrhea.

Back pain

When you’re experiencing stress, you may hold your body in different positions while sleeping or tighten your muscles subconsciously, leading to ache and fatigued muscles.


Stress and anxiety can cause you to not get a restful night’s sleep. It can make it hard to relax. This can cause restlessness and even insomnia.


In some instances, stress triggers nausea and vomiting.


Head pain can range from low-grade headaches to debilitating migraines.

Strange thoughts

When you are stressed out, it can be very difficult to concentrate. You may find your thoughts wandering, and your thoughts may not always seem rational.

Acne breakouts

One very unattractive symptom of stress is pimples and acne breakouts caused by the release of androgen in your blood, which clogs pores.

Sensitive gums

Another sign of a weakened immune system, your body may not be able to fight the bacteria that settle around your gum line, which causes inflammation, bleeding and sensitivity. 

Itchy skin

Stress can lead to skin rashes and may worsen skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis. 

Twitchy eyes

You may notice that your eyelids start twitching uncontrollably on their own when you are stressed out. 

Hair loss

You may find that you’re losing a higher than normal amount of hair when washing or brushing your hair. Stress causes your hair follicle to go into the resting phase; prolonged inactivity causes the hair to fall out.

There are more symptoms that can be indicators of stress, but these are very common. If you notice that you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms, a visit to your doctor is in order. They can help you with strategies to deal with stress so that it does not become a debilitating aspect of your life.



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Posted by on April 3, 2013 in Uncategorized


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